CANCELLED: Franz Kafka's »A Report for an Academy« I NEW: Kafka's »The Trial« with Philipp Hochmair on 8 September Further information

Bunte Bühne, Lübbenau Spreewald / Lubnjow Błota

Güterbahnhofstraße 61, 03222 Lübbenau Spreewald / Lubnjow Błota

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© Rainer Weisflog

About the location

Location Bunte Bühne, Lübbenau Spreewald / Lubnjow Błota

Address Güterbahnhofstraße 61, 03222 Lübbenau Spreewald / Lubnjow Błota

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The railway line from Berlin to Görlitz opened in 1866, and the depot in Lübbenau remained in service until 1969. Since 2011, the building has been used as a culture centre known as Gleis 3 (Track 3) – the name speaks for itself. The new centre is home to three organizations actively engaged in the city’s cultural and social life: Lübbenaubrücke, Kulturhof, and Bunte Bühne. These groups organize cultural activities and social projects throughout the year. Lübbenau is known as the gateway to the Spreewald Biosphere Preserve. A special attraction in the city is the “Pickle Mile” near the Spreewald Harbour, where pickle-makers present their wares prepared using traditional methods dating back to the 19th century. 


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Productions in Bunte Bühne, Lübbenau Spreewald / Lubnjow Błota