CANCELLED: Franz Kafka's »A Report for an Academy« I NEW: Kafka's »The Trial« with Philipp Hochmair on 8 September Further information

Klosterkirche Guben / Gubin

Kirchstraße 1, 03172 Guben / Gubin

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© Ben Wiesenfarth

About the location

Location Klosterkirche Guben / Gubin

Address Kirchstraße 1, 03172 Guben / Gubin

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Today’s Neo-Gothic brick church from 1862 stands on the site of a Benedictine monastery that existed from the late 12th century until it was torn down in 1860. The beautiful wooden interior features an organ built by Alexander Schuke. Since 1952, the church’s official organists have regularly presented a variety of musical programs. There are currently 15 to 20 such projects each year, often featuring members of the Cottbus Philharmonic Orchestra.


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Productions in Klosterkirche Guben / Gubin