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»WIDERSTAND« (Resistance)

by Lukas Rietzschel

Tickets & dates
© Rainer_Weisflog

About the production


7:30 p.m.


9 p.m.

A micro-cosmos in a village somewhere in our turbulent present day. Isabell is visiting her parents. Her mother is seriously ill; her father seems resigned and seeks solace in an affair. The neighbor, a policeman, has a critical view of the system. Isabell’s old school friend delivers packages and dreams of having his own business. The talk is about worries, disappointments, and dreams. Much remains unsaid, but the question of whether they should continue to unquestioningly accept everything decreed by the people »up there« is in the air. Resistance does not always have to be accompanied by protests with cardboard posters at demonstrations… 

In this highly acclaimed play, author and playwright Lukas Rietzschel, born in the Lausitz and living in Görlitz, depicts a gradual process of radicalization against seemingly unjust government power and examines the question of why people turn away from our society.

The free production collective, which initiates professional theater projects in neglected and rural areas of Brandenburg, will present »WIDERSTAND« in the former »Filmtheater Friedensgrenze«, a place that for the people of Guben evokes many memories of shared cultural experiences in times past.  


  • Schauspiel Andreas Klumpf

  • Schauspiel Josepha Grünberg

  • Schauspiel Felix Tittel

  • Schauspiel Katinka Springborn

  • Schauspiel Julian Jäckel

  • Regie Wolfram Scheller

  • Dramaturgie Aki Nom

  • Bühne und Kostüm Anne Hölzinger

  • Licht und Ton Paul Klinder


  • Location Filmtheater Friedensgrenze, Guben / Gubin

  • Address Karl-Marx-Straße 56, 03172 Guben / Gubin

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Tickets & dates