CANCELLED: Franz Kafka's »A Report for an Academy« I NEW: Kafka's »The Trial« with Philipp Hochmair on 8 September Further information


William Engelen: »Falten for percussion«

Free admission

Tickets & dates

About the production


11 a.m.


7 p.m.

Period  27.08. – 05.11.
Vernissage  27.08., Sunday, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Opening hours  Afterwards every Tuesday - Sunday, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

In William Engelen’s installation, we see cryptic musical scores: sheets of paper folded in various ways on music stands placed throughout the room. These folds are sculptural compressions of musical events and result in differing phases of silence and sound. The sheets of paper contain the notation for a percussion piece but also exist simply as material objects. The music is conceived for instruments such as triangle and drums as well as washboards and oil canisters. The artist first drew on each piece of paper a durational chart, parts of which were then concealed in the process of folding the paper. He next put musical notation on the areas that remained visible. These mark the periods of time when sounds should be heard. The scores are nearly indecipherable for outsiders, but are turned into sound in the course of the concert. The musicians also react to the performance space and to changing elements such as light and shadow. The interaction of rules, notation, and chance creates an intriguing composition.


  • Oboe, Bassoboe Simon Strasser

  • violoncello Mathis Mayr

  • synthesizer Ernst Surberg

  • percussion Roland Neffe


  • Location Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst im Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus / Chóśebuz

  • Address Am Amtsteich 15, 03046 Cottbus / Chóśebuz

Show detail page

Cooperation partners

Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst

Tickets & dates